Ten Fé (foto: abi raymaker)

24 Stunden mit … Ten Fé

Es mag eine zu diesem Zeitpunkt verwegene Prognose sein, aber: Ten Fé schicken sich an, Ende des Jahres in unserer Best-Of-2019-Liste zu landen. Im vergangenen Monat haute die Band mit „Future Perfect, Present Tense“ ein Album raus, das nicht nur einfach ziemlich knorke ist, sondern bei mir seither auch in Dauerschleife läuft. Und dann haben sie mit einer Acapella-Version von „Waterfalls“ ein ebenso überraschendes wie gelungenes TLC-Cover nachgelegt. Gerade ist die Band auf Tour durch die USA und Europa, für uns haben sie ihren Reisealltag in Wort und Bild festgehalten. Übrigens: Die Band kommt im Mai auch nach Deutschland (Termine siehe unten).

24 Stunden mit Ten Fé in den USA

Warming Up

We’re midway through a month-long tour of the US. Before any show, we have a long vocal warm up routine to get us physically and mentally ready. The green room (if there is one) isn’t always quiet enough so we often find ourselves in improbable spaces singing in each other’s faces (it’s part of the fun). So far this tour, we’ve warmed up in the freezing cold van, multi-storey car parks, the men’s toilet, a store cupboard, a carpenter’s workshop and a kitchen shared with the strip club next door. Today it’s the shower. (foto: timothhy m. schmidt)

A Night In Chicago

Saturday night sellout show at Schuba’s tavern in Chicago. Some people have come all the way from Tampa, FL to see us play. The crowd’s really up for it and things get sweaty very quickly – just as well, as there’s a full on blizzard raging outside. (foto: timothhy m. schmidt)

Sacred Moments

We never eat before we play so after the gig, bellies begin to rumble. Often, this is also the only time we get to explore the city we’re playing in before moving on the next day, so it’s a sacred moment. We try to eat well on tour, but at this time of night, it’s inevitably some combination of meat, cheese and bread – good for the soul but not for the bus the next day. (foto: rob shipley)

Steel Donkey

We’re driving massive distances this tour, all in this 12 seater Chevrolet (there are only 4 1/2 seats left once we’ve crammed all our gear in though). You’d think we’d be sick of the sight of it but we’ve developed Stockholm syndrome for it. It’s our safe space and our steed; the steel donkey in which we ride, and we love it. (foto: rob shipley)


It’s easy, if you stay on the huge highways, you do not notice the country changing around you, so we try to make as many stops as possible during travel days – it helps break up the boredom of the journey and gives you a measure of the people whose land you’re moving through. Driving through South Dakota today, we start to feel the influence of the West creeping in, and indulge in a hunt for some cowboy gear. (foto: rob shipley)


We’re lucky to be passing through some pretty iconic places along the way (Niagara Falls, The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore to name a few). Today’s road takes us through Badlands just in time for sunset. We hardly see another soul. (foto: rob shipley)

Ten Fé live in Deutschland:
11.05.19 – Musik & Frieden (Berlin)
13.05.19 – Molotow (Hamburg)
14.05.19 – Studio 672 (Köln)  



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