Izzy Bizu (foto: sony music)

24 Stunden mit … Izzy Bizu

Izzy Bizu is back. Die Londoner Sängerin („White Tiger“) hat gerade mit „Glita“ eine neue EP vorgelegt. Dabei ging ihr kein Geringerer als Chris Martin (Coldplay) zur Hand, der sich in den Sound der 25-Jährigen geradezu verliebt haben soll. Er hat mit der Guten sogar ein Duett eingesungen – eine neue Version ihres Songs „Someone That Loves You“. Läuft also bei Izzy. Uns hat sie nun für unsere „24 Stunden“-Reihe Einblick in ihren Musikerinnen-Alltag gegeben – in Wort und Bild.

24 Stunden mit Izzy Bizu in London, England

Early Morning Decisions

8am – Performing at a charity event tonight in London so have to decide on what I’m wearing and send to my backing singers so we don’t clash. lol (foto: izzy bizu)

Good Vibes

10am – In the studio with Eg White. He is an incredible producer and songwriter I have been working with on my new album. He has worked with AdeleFlorence and the MachineDua LipaTom OdellSam Smith and Pink to name but a few lol so I’m in good company and he is always such good vibes! (foto: izzy bizu)

Special Places with Special People

4pm. Vocal warm up in an empty backstage room with my amazing backing vocalists Dionne Reid and Kersha Bailey. They are a dream to work with and we always find a quiet place to do our vocal warm ups which is often on a staircase or the toilet. lol (foto: izzy bizu)

Soundcheck Shock

5pm – Soundcheck and realisation that the outfit I chose clashes with the back drop )-: …. It’s gonna have to be a casual dress night lol (foto: izzy bizu)


6.30pm – Press briefing with Chloe, my PR. I know about the charity bottletops #togetherband who are doing amazing work championing the UN’s 17 Global Goals as that is why I agreed to do the gig but its great to get as much information as possible about what work they are doing. I am an ambassador for Studio Samuel in Ethiopia who work to empower impoverished girls with work and life skills so a lot of the issues bottletops are working on are issues close to my heart. (foto: izzy bizu)

Lights On

9pm – Show time. It was great to perform my new single ‘Lights On’ along with favourites ‘Someone That Loves You’ and ‘White Tiger’. It’s only the second time I’ve performed „Lights On“ and we did it pretty stripped back which was great fun. (foto: izzy bizu)



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