Marnix Dorrestein und Willem Wits aus Amsterdam waren schon seit der Highschool befreundet. Immer wenn es einem von ihnen schlecht ging, haben sie Musik gemacht, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen. 2019 haben sie beschlossen, unter dem Namen Ciao Lucifer eine Live-Show zu entwickeln. Der fröhliche, dynamische und energiegeladene Sound von Ciao Lucifer erinnert an Vampire Weekend, Phoenix oder Grizzly Bear. Am 26. August veröffentlichen sie nun ihr neues Album “Good News”, reinhören lohnt sich. Und reinschauen: in diese 24-Stunden-Episode.
We’re staying in Paris for a month, cat sitting for our friend and fellow artist Brisa Roché. Willem is always the first to get up. He’s currently building a sample bank of his drum kit in her kid’s room, so that he can make beats on the road. (foto: band)
Look who woke up! It’s Marnix. He never sings in the shower :-( (foto: band)
The kitchen is the place to be because it’s got the best wifi connection. We’re doing some last minute planning for the shooting of our video in the next couple of days. (foto: band)
This is how we move around Paris. The scooters are pretty dorky. We like dorky. (foto: band)
We met up with our friend Vincent Mougel who is an amazing musician. You can hear him play on the latest Mathieu Boogaerts album, which is one of our favourite records to come out last year. Lunch was pretty stunning, those Frenchies sure know how to cook! (foto: band)
Vincent took us to his studio to make some music. It’s in this great creative hub called “Villa mais d’ici” (get it?? It’s a pun on the famous Villa De Medici in Florence). On the way there we passed a part of Paris that you don’t see on the postcards – they call it “Crack City”. A desolate concrete jungle by the Périphérique. While the “normal” people are zooming by in their cars, a large group of homeless addicts are living together in a village of makeshift tents. Impressive in a sad way. (We didn’t take a picture because it would have felt disrespectful.) (foto: band)
Writing lyrics is haaaaaard work. (foto: band)
On the way back home we got caught in a thunderstorm. Frankly we forgot to take a picture (and our hands would’ve been too wet anyway) but this is how Iwen Legro looked when he arrived at our place. Iwen’s a great producer / engineer who mixed our album and came to stay over for a couple of days. (foto: band)
After we put some dry clothes on we went to Elsa Kopf’s birthday party. Guess what: she’s an artist ;-) And a great one at that. This lady is France, our neighbour, dancing with Marnix. She’s a total rockstar and one of the only women who worked in cybersecurity and quantum physics in the early sixties. She loves to party so she came along :-) She wore Elsa’s straw hat for about 15 seconds. (foto: band)
The end of a lovely day! (foto: band)
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