Franc Moody (foto: Emma Dudlyke)

24 Stunden mit … Franc Moody

Corona ist schuld: Franc Moody haben gerade ihre Europa-Tour komplett abgesagt und somit auch die drei Deutschland-Termine, die eigentlich diese Woche stattfinden sollten. An Nachholterminen wird aktuell gearbeitet. Bis dahin bleibt uns aber zumindest noch ihr Debütalbum „Dream In Colour“, das vor wenigen Tagen erschienen ist. Ein gelungener Mix aus Pop, House, Nu-Disco und der Ravekultur. Und es bleibt diese 24-Stunden-Episode, die die Band für uns noch auf die Beine gestellt hat.

24 Stunden mit Franc Moody in London, UK


“One should never start singing without a few vocal warmups. Like ice creams, we feel
carols shouldn’t be confined to one period of the year. Here we are singing the 4th verse of
‘Ding Dong Merrily On High’ in August.” (foto: franc moody)

Maintaining mental health

“Taking a break from our dark and dingy studio is key to maintaining our mental health
levels. Here you can see Ned upping the stakes using his two guitars as goal posts during
lunchtime ’set piece’ practise.” (foto: franc moody)

Magnum Almond

“People assume ice creams are only effective during the summer season. Try buying
yourself an Almond Magnum in November and tell me your not impressed.“ (foto: franc moody)


“Our groove maker selection. Franc Moody would be nothing without these guys.
(@Tabasco we’re still looking for an endorsement if you read this.)” (foto: franc moody)

Tea time

“Tea provides a necessary break from hours at the computer. Although from time to time
combining SH101 key tar solos with brewing can prove to be an excellent combination.“ (foto: franc moody)

Safety wear

“Meet T, aka Joe Hertz. There’s a man. Our neighbour and collaborator. Currently mixing a
new tune with him. Sounding dangerous, hence the safety wear.“ (foto: franc moody)



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