“This is all I wanna do, make music and love“. Auf seiner ersten EP „The Coast“ stellte sich Kazy Lambist, der im Juni 2018 mit “33 000 Ft.” sein Debütalbum vorgelegt hat, so das perfekte Leben vor. Wie der Alltag des jungen französischen Electro-Pop-Künstlers Arthur Dubreucq, so sein bürgerlicher Name, tatsächlich aussieht, das zeigt er uns hier.
24 Stunden mit Kazy Lambist in Lyon (FRA)
Clint Eastwood
I wake up too late with Clint Eastwood’s eyes and try to remember what is planned for today. (foto: kazy lambist)
Coffee and Keyboard
I grab a coffee and I go to my home studio to play some keyboard and record ideas. (foto: kazy lambist)
On a plane
I don’t seem to have any good inspiration today… I have no other choice, I need to fly a plane for a while with my beloved Flight Simulator. (foto: kazy lambist)
As I’m gliding above gorgeous Lake Annecy, I suddenly realize I need to go the train station, because we have a show tonight in Lyon ! I miss the train but I’m lucky they allow me to catch the next one. (foto: kazy lambist)
I finally join my dear band. Amaury will play the bass and Lara will sing. We are a little anxious as always, and we get ready to go on stage … (foto: kazy lambist)
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