YellowStraps (foto: Emilien Itim)

24 Stunden mit … YellowStraps

Spätestens nach seinen Auftritten beim The Great Escape, Eurosonic und Reeperbahn Festival gilt YellowStraps als Geheimtipp unter Fans von King Krule bis James Blake. Von der internationalen Tastemaker-Presse als Neo-Soul-Wunderkind gefeiert, macht sich der Belgier mit seinem Solodebütalbum „tentacle“, das am Freitag erscheint, auf die Suche nach „unbeschreiblichen Emotionen“. Musikalisch basiert das Album auf einem hybriden Mix aus R&B, Neo-Soul und Electronica. Thematisch stellt es das Ende einer Trilogie dar. Wo die „Blame“-EP (2018) der Wut nach dem Beziehungsende noch freien Lauf ließ, war die „Goldress“-EP (2019) eine nachdenkliche Reflexion über das Scheitern. „tentacle“ läutet nun die Akzeptanzphase ein. „Liebe ist immer Chaos, aber ich habe meinen Frieden damit gemacht“, so YellowStraps. Eine 24-Stunden-Episode hat er mit uns auch gemacht. Entstanden ist es beim Videodreh zu seiner neuen Single „flowin'“.

Early Morning

We arrived early in the morning on the set and we started with a coffee and a short briefing of the first shot of the day with co-director Rob Knudsen. (foto: YellowStraps)


It was a really ambitious shooting so we needed everything to be perfectly set up! Here’s a part of the installation needed for our main shot. (foto: YellowStraps)


Sam Wise and I in the car, ready to shoot the first shot of the video. We’re around 12.30pm, we made all the rehearsals, we were very cold but excited to start shooting. (foto: YellowStraps)

Back to Work

First part of the video was a wrap. Everything went perfectly! This is my co-director and I around 2.30pm right after the lunch break getting back to work with another coffee and being focused to set everything up for the second part of the shooting. (foto: YellowStraps)

Perfect Light

We’ve been rehearsing and ready to shoot but we were also waiting for the perfect light! This was exactly the moment when the sun was at the right spot and we had around 10 minutes to shoot the second part of the video. (foto: YellowStraps)

Car Crusher

The sun was going down and it was the right moment to shoot my favorite part of the video which was the last shot of the day! The shot was impressive! This is Rob Knudsen filming in the air the car being put in the car crusher. (foto: YellowStraps)

It’s a Wrap

This is a wrap! Everything went perfectly and the video is even better than I expected thanks to the amazing team that worked really hard to make this happen. (foto: YellowStraps)



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