Evangelia (foto: sony music)

24 Stunden mit … Evangelia

Evangelia ist eine echte Kosmopolitin. Und das hört man auch in ihrer Musik. Darin verbindet die Gute, die in Europa und New Jersey aufgewachsen ist, das Beste aus zwei Welten: US-amerikanischen Pop mit griechischer Tradition. Im Frühjahr veröffentlichte sie mit „Pame Pame“ ihre Debütsingle – eine Liebeserklärung an ihre griechischen Wurzeln. Und jetzt hat sie mit “Fotia” nachgelegt . Ein Song, der dazu ermutigen soll, auf sein Herz zu hören. Das hat sie auch, als wir sie für diese 24-Stunden-Episode angefragt haben – und uns einige interessante Einblicke in ihren Alltag gewährt.

Breakfast with the loved one

Good morning! We don’t have any early zoom calls today so Jay and I made some breakfast and enjoyed it in our backyard. Jay is the love of my life, as well as my creative partner (we write all of my music together). (foto: evangelia)


Next, I decided to play with Brutus.  It’s been really nice having him around during quarantine. (foto: evangelia)

Butterfly Effect

Afterward  we decided to take a quick outing to the plant store (wearing masks of course).  As we were looking around I found this beautiful butterfly. Seeing a butterfly always gives me hope and reminds me to remember that life is beautiful and to appreciate the little things.  (foto: evangelia)


When we got home we went back to our room to record some quick one-liners for Spotify ads in our tiny mobile studio. It’s small—but it works! I feel grateful for technology more than ever during this time.  I also decided to steal Jay’s bandana and put it in my hair.   (foto: evangelia)


After that I recorded a video of me doing the #GlobalGoddessChallenge dance to Páme Páme! This is a screenshot from the video. You can watch the whole thing on tiktok! (foto: evangelia)


Next I decided to combine making content for tiktok with making something delicious eat— my favorite Greek food, spanakopita! This photo was taken during the process of rolling the dough.  My roommates kept asking what time it would be ready because the fresh herbs smelled so good :) 


While the Spanakopita was in the oven I got a mini workout in by juggling a soccer ball.  I’ve been playing since I was 5 years old. I definitely miss playing on a team, and this is a small way I can keep it in my life. (foto: evangelia)


About 45 minutes later…this was the final result! My roommates approved :) (foto: evangelia)

Bathroom Show

I ended my day by decorating my bathroom for a livestream performance as a special guest on my friend’s virtual “singing in the shower” tour to help raise money for struggling music venues due to Covid-19.  I performed “Páme Páme” live from my bathroom for the first time ever! Haha . (foto: evangelia)



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